I am using Acer Aspire 6930g. . . recently formatted my system and trying to install windows vista home premium from one my friend and am using my poduct which i got with my laptop . . . but it says Product key is not valid . . .please help me . . . . Diagnostic Report (1.9.0011.0):-----------------------------------------WGA Data-->Validation Status: Invalid LicenseValidation Code: 50
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DOWNLOAD: https://ssurll.com/2vIZOa
I have a acer 5920 machine on widwows home premium, the widows files seems to have gone corrupt, which to my understanding needs reinstall of windows - as advised by microsoft guy, i do not have a recovery dics .. what options do i hve, how can i get hold of the recovery dics so that i can rectify the error
At this stage the only important thing is getting the free upgrade to Windows 10. This can be done via the Windows 10 Insider 10130 .iso: -clean-install-of-windows/a-clean-install-of-windows-10/windows-xpvista-%e2%86%92-windows-10-free-upgrade/However you may need to find this .iso in an unofficial location as Microsoft no longer facilitate its download. 2ff7e9595c